How Can Social Media BeReal?

Do you feel social media is too fake? Have no fear, BeReal is an app to ensure authenticity when posting. Popular all throughout 2023, the app revolves around its infamous dual-camera feature to retaliate against artificial and staged posts.

 “Other social medias, like Instagram, set a lot of standards for me and other girls who use the app… I use social media pretty often. It would be nice to see something more relatable and casual,” said junior Felicia Gopaul. 

BeReal’s mission is “to create an authentic world that keeps you connected with people you really care about,” leading others to refer to BeReal as “anti-Instagram.” This app is a form of social media that sends out a daily notification at a random time, telling users it’s time to “Be Real” by taking a photo of themself in the moment. The special feature of this app is their dual camera, photographing using both the front and back lenses. If the user doesn’t take their photo within the two minute time frame of the notification, they are not allowed to see other posts until they post their own. However, other media platforms lack these sets of rules. It is common for social media to contain fabricated posts, leading users to have mental struggles from unrealistic standards. 

“I feel that social media is very artificial because people take photos of the same thing and post the best one. I used to be affected by edited photos… but BeReal only lets you take the picture once so it lets people show their most raw self, ” Sabiqur Liza, a senior in high school, said. 

 Students like Liza admit that the app truly does show her realest self without having the strain of judgment. BeReal implements rules, such as posting at a randomized time of day, only viewing others’ posts after you’ve posted, exposing the amount of times you retook a photo, and of course their dual camera feature. All of which are used to try and keep all users (be)real.

“It’s a casual platform where you can post anything. You can show yourself doing your homework or just hanging out with the family instead of being at an event in your best outfit possible,” Kenneth Hafford said. 

The app’s randomized timing to take photos allows users to post their current situation, however there is the option to post at another time of day, but that restricts your abilities on the app. Implementing this simple “eye for an eye” system ensures the realness of a post and reduces judgment from others. 

 “I think BeReal makes my memories worth more because it’s more in the moment. It’s, like, random and it’s not something you can alter. I think it teaches you to be comfortable with posting.” Gopaul said. “Mainly because it’s so easy to fabricate your own posts but when you and your peers are forced to be authentic then it raises your confidence.”

Students felt that the memories shared on BeReal had greater value than just a regular picture due to it being spontaneous. Through this, BeReal allows users to capture the moment, making it more likely to capture a laugh or a cry. 

“I honestly really like the app and what it stands for. It’s like we’re moving toward a better place on the internet, like, we’re making things less fake and more real. I feel like soon we can lower the negative effects of editing and unrealistic expectations in the media.”

 For many students, the app fulfilled its mission of making genuine memories. Will you be real? 


Caption: BeReal’s infamous notification and app cover. 

Fae Baguyo

Howdy! My name is Fae Baguyo and I write pieces for the food section of The Edison Light. I am a real foodie and you can catch me in the trendiest restaurants. I love trying new things and experimenting with unique trends, especially the weird ones. I hope to bring you enjoyable news in the future!