Female Power Achievements

As September is coming to an end, we should all acknowledge the great deeds accomplished. For a few years there was a controversial issue between women and men working. However in 1983, a joint Congressional resolution was passed, and signed by President Ronald Reagan proclaiming a celebration of Business Women’s Day.

Across the rich world more women are working than ever before. According to the Economist article, Women in the Workforce, “Women now make up almost half of American workers (49.9% in October).” This was one of the most remarkable revolutions of the past 50 years. It is remarkable because of the extent of the change: millions of people who were once dependent on men have taken control of their own economic fate.

Ms. Petroutsos, a history teacher, said, “I think there are still some workforces where women still typically dominate. This includes but are not limited to: nursing and teaching (especially in kindergarten). Women are true to the stereotype. They are more nurturing and sensitive. I think giving the women the opportunity to join the workforce was very liberating. However, they had a hard choice of raising a family or choosing a job. It changed the image of what a family is like. Because of the liberation it changed the dynamic of a family.”

Women are perceived indistinguishable from their male peers when it comes to leadership qualities. This includes the capacity for innovations, intelligence, honesty, fairness, compassion, and willingness to compromise. There are many Americans  who dominate women as superior.

Marissa Mayer a CEO is taking a two week maternity leave once again for twins she’s expected to get this year. This sets a precedent for other working women with an expectant maternity leave. It portrays that some women can manage both factors of being a mother and also a business person altogether.

The gender equality has become increasingly better over the years. It’s great to see how independently both men and women are working.The degree to which the masculine and feminine qualities are represented and are utilized well is the essence of balance.