Edison’s Tennis Team Stays Winning

Edison’s Tennis Team continues to be one of the strongest sports teams at Edison. They’ve had a good winning record since the 2022 season and they’re expected to continue that legacy.

The tennis season has recently started for Edison, and our tennis team has already played two matches; one against Beach Channel High School and another against Jamaica High School. 

“We have won both games so far this season. We beat each team with a score of 5-0,” said guidance counselor Mr. Wang. 

This year’s tennis team consists of 12 students; two of them being seniors, six are juniors, two sophomores, and two freshmen. All of the students are working hard to prepare for the rest of the season by going back to the basics.

“We prepare by practicing every weekday and we go over the fundamentals of tennis,” said Mr. Wang. “The students also have the opportunity to stay after practice and learn on their own.” 

This strategy has proven to work, looking at their past two twins, and looking at their stats from previous years.  

“In 2023, we had 9 wins and 1 loss, won our division, and made the playoffs,” said Mr. Wang. “In 2022, we had 7 wins and 3 losses, won our division, and also made it to the quarterfinals.”

This year, the tennis team hopes to continue their streak of winning for their division and hopefully making it to the city championships. 

Photo caption: A glimpse of the first match of the season. Photo credits: Stephany Rampersaud 
Asia Butler

Hello, I’m Asia Butler, a senior at Edison in the IT program. My hobbies include journaling, crocheting, and listening to music. I especially enjoy writing though because it’s a way for me to express my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. I hope you enjoy the pieces I write!